My Story

A little bit about my journey...

Hi there! I'm Lisa Santos, author and creator of this site (BuildaSolidBizwithLisa.Com). I'm so happy you're here.

Thank you so much for visiting my page to learn a little more about me and my story.

I like you already! 😊

I'm a former Business Analyst and Software Test Engineer with over 25 years in the IT field. Yup, I'm a total tech geek!

I've been happily in a relationship with my boyfriend of 4+ years and we share an awesome Golden Retriever named Oliver. We love cooking, traveling and doing fun and unique activities together.

I'm originally from New York but have lived most of my life in the lovely state of Virginia. Several years ago, I also lived in Puerto Rico for about four years which was a total blast (I sure do miss the tropical weather, beautiful beaches and mountains!).

Growing up I always knew I was different than everyone else. In school I’d sit there in class day dreaming and looking out the window almost every day. I barely paid attention in school.

Every time I was in a class and the teacher spoke, their voice sounded like the teacher in an episode of Charlie Brown ..."Mwah wah wah wah mwah". 🤣 (Play video to hear what I mean...LOL)

I struggled a lot in school as a kid and then when I entered high school it didn't get any better. Heck..I almost didn't graduate high school!

But I did what everyone suggested I do and after barely graduating high school, I attended college. In college, I lasted about two and half years before I decided to drop out temporarily. This is about the time I entered the corporate world.

I absolutely hated the corporate rat race…dressing up in heels, commuting back and forth, working with a few incompetent bosses telling me what to do while also experiencing sexual harassment along the way. As the years went by, working at a job started to take a real toll on me and I began feeling bouts of depression. I knew there had to be more to life than this!

In 2008, while living in Puerto Rico, I finally became fed up with my job and I put in my two-weeks notice. I didn't even have another job lined up. That's how bad I wanted to leave that job!

After quitting, I tried to look for another job but then days started turning into weeks and weeks started turning into months without a job. Things started to get really scary for me!

My savings account was running low and I had household bills that were piling up. I had to do something about about my financial crisis and FAST!

While I still had an active internet connection at my apartment, I began researching for ways I could make money online. This is when I stumbled upon the world of affiliate marketing and I knew this was something I had to try. I became so fascinated with affiliate marketing that I dove right in with both feet. I began seeing success with affiliate marketing and people started taking notice of what I was doing online. I would get tons of emails and messages from people seeking my help. I knew I was heading in a positive direction.

As I worked on growing my affiliate marketing business, along the way I was introduced to another way of making money online that became life-changing for me. My journey led me to becoming a Virtual Assistant. In case you don't know what a Virtual Assistant does, let me briefly explain.

These superheros work from the comfort of their homes providing administrative, creative, and technical support to multiple clients in a variety of industries. When I first learned what a VA does, I jumped for joy! You see I discovered how to take all of my skills, talents and work experience and turn them into services and GET PAID! As a VA, I was helping small business owners and solopreneurs with my unique skills. This additional way of making extra money became lucrative for me and I was able to get out of my financial crisis.

Although being a VA is not my ultimate passion, it has been a great way to earn extra money while I built my affiliate marketing business. I met many people online who were building their affiliate marketing business but wanted an extra way to earn income. This is when I decided to take my knowledge as a VA and created a course teaching people how to become a Virtual Assistant and make money providing services to others. If this is something you may be interested in, you can learn more about it here. It's definitely worth looking into while you are building your affiliate marketing empire.

Ok back to my story from the past...after some time went by I realized my affiliate marketing income wasn't where it needed to be and I also started to become burned out with my VA work. So I gave up both businesses after a couple of years, moved back to the states from Puerto Rico and I ended up back in a cubicle working the "9 to 5" grind. 😭 I felt so damn defeated!

That brings us to 2021 when I decided to take back control of my life. While I worked my "9 to 5" grind, I spent my evenings experimenting with various affiliate marketing programs and learning from the best gurus out there. I started implementing what I was learning and began seeing amazing results.

Started growing my YouTube Channel, TikTok and email list subcribers. I took the money I was making from affiliate marketing and a portion of my paycheck each month and put it into my savings. After gathering a large amount of money into my savings, I made the decision to quit my job in 2022 and go all in with affiliate marketing.

And wouldn't you know, suddenly my life took an interesting twist, and instead of going on living a meaningless and depressing life, I had a solid system in place to generate leads and make money with affiliate marketing.

I also discovered new and other ways to make money online that are sustainable and profitable and I couldn't be more happier.

Now, I'm on mission to teach other men and women over 40+ how they too can escape the "9 to 5" rat race by starting an online business in affiliate marketing or around their unique skills and experience.

If you are anything like me and you are sick and tired of the "9 to 5" grind or struggling with making money with affiliate marketing or simply looking for a new way to make extra money...then what I am doing might be the right fit for you!

If you've tried everything but not ready to give up or you're curious about what I am doing to make money online and live a happier life, then download my free guide here to see if affiliate marketing is right for you OR if becoming a VA is right for you download my free guide here.

Now, if you are someone who has a negative mindset, lazy, thinks everything is a "scam" or looking for a "get-rich scheme", then sadly what I am doing is not a fit for you and you should probably leave my website right now.

You must have the right mindset and be willing to put in the work. Otherwise, you'll be wasting your time and continue to be stuck at your job until retirement or be financially broke for as long as you allow it.


If you are anything like me and ready to make a change in your life personally and financially and want to be in a similar place as me, then click the link here to take the next step OR send me a message on my Contact Me page!

If you made it this far down into my story, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my story. It means a lot you took the time to get to know me and I hope we end up connecting real soon either through one of my self-paced or recommended courses or a coaching call.

You got this!


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